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Follow the Dragons

As you go through the doors, try to notice the different textures of the pavement, metal strips and carpet - these help Mirabelle to know where she is.

The exhibition guide uses a sans serif font, which is one of the ones Mirabelle finds easiest to look at, but the text is too small for her to read. You can ask someone to read it to you if you like.

The text on the wall to the right of the desk is much easier to read as it's quite big.

Next, Mirabelle keeps going right to look at the large, brightly coloured paintings - these are quite easy for her to look at. You can get quite close to these paintings, which helps Mirabelle see the details. The way she sees the paintings is quite different to non-visually impaired people.

Be careful not to bump into the little shelf further along the wall with leaflets - Mirabelle finds it hard to notice the white shelf on the white background.

The leaflets and the text on the wall are a little difficult for Mirabelle to see, so you can ask someone to read them to you.

The chair installation contrasts really well with its setting, so it's really easy for Mirabelle to see. She also likes the way its displayed on a raised plinth, so that she can use her cane to find out where it is without worrying about damaging the artwork. This makes it a lot easier for her to navigate.

Go straight on into the film room. This room is pretty dark, so be careful not to walk into the hard bench.
Mirabelle likes the way the screen is really big and she can get really close to it - try going up to the screen and taking a closer look, but make sure your shadow doesn't get in the way!
The subtitles have no background to separate them from the images - this is quite visually confusing for Mirabelle, so you may want to ask someone to read them out to you.

Turn left when you come out of the film room. There's another screen showing a film on your left - the headsets are really easy for Mirabelle to see and use, but there's no audio description so you might want to ask someone to describe what's going on.

Moving round to the left, Mirabelle finds a brightly coloured book on a little shelf. This one's really clear and easy to see.
Her cane taps the edge of the shelf when she moves it around, because it's low enough to the ground.
Don't miss the smaller sign which tells you that you can ask the gallery assistant for gloves if you want to look at other pages.

Mirabelle loves these bright, large photographs. You can get really close to them, which makes it easier to see.

To the right of the photographs, there's a white sculpture which stands out really well against the grey floor, so it's easy for Mirabelle to see. It's quite tough for her to see the film and she can't read the writing in it at all.

The painting on the wall to the right is another really bright one with good contrast between the colours. Mirabelle can also get up really close - have a look at the picture this way and see how different it is.

Careful not to walk into the mirror on the floor at the bottom of the sculpture on the wall to the right of the painting.

This screen is easy to get really close to, which makes it easier for Mirabelle to see.

This brightly coloured sculpture on a white plinth is mostly easy to see, but Mirabelle has to look carefully to differentiate between the plinth and the white wall.

Mirabelle gets up really close to this text so it's easy for her to read.

Mirabelle can get up close to this installation, which she likes. Be careful not to bump into the seating around the table though, as the stools are quite low.

Go to the wall at the end of the table, where there are three small paintings.

Mirabelle loves how tactile these paintings are. She'd like to be able to touch them!

Be careful not to walk into this piece - the grey and brown colours are quite difficult for Mirabelle to see. Because they're on the floor with no plinth she also has to be careful not to hit them with her stick.

Be careful not to walk into the white dehumidifier against the white wall on the way out.
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